
Jan 171 min

Bill could make it easier for motorists owing money to register vehicles

The Norman Transcript

By Brian D. King

Jan 17, 2024

A Norman lawmaker filed legislation that would allow drivers to register vehicles, even if they have unpaid tolls.

Under current law, anyone owing money to the Oklahoma Transit Authority must pay off their debt before being allowed to register or re-register their vehicles through Service Oklahoma.

House Bill 2968, authored by Rep. Annie Menz, D-Norman, would allow people to renew tags without paying tolls. She said it is not the job of Service Oklahoma to collect tolls for OTA, which is a separate agency.

“Service Oklahoma is part of our government, and it is required to deny renewal to people if they owe tolls,” Menz said. “They are making Service Oklahoma do their jobs for them.”

Menz said the bill will help Service Oklahoma users, especially those who may not know they owe tolls.

“I’m trying to go in and retool that so that if somebody takes off work to be able to go get their registration renewed, they’re not thrown this roadblock,” she said.

View the full article: NormanTranscript.com
