
May 11, 20211 min

House Lawmakers Seek $15 Billion in Infrastructure Earmarks

Transport Topics

By Erik Wasson, Bloomberg News

May 11, 2021

House lawmakers have requested $14.9 billion in spending on earmarked projects for a transportation bill set to be a centerpiece of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda.
Republicans joined Democrats in making use of the new earmark process, inaugurated after the practice was effectively banned for a decade by Congress in the wake of a series of scandals. The bipartisan participation could bode well for rounding up the votes and political momentum to pass at least part of Biden’s $2.3 trillion, infrastructure-focused American Jobs Act.
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee released the list of requested projects on May 11, making good on a commitment to be more transparent about spending earmarks than lawmakers had been in the past. In all, 318 House members requested earmarks, including 213 Democrats and 105 Republicans.

View the full article: TTNews.com
