
Feb 17, 20211 min

Road Building Industry Fights for Surface Transportation Funding

Experts say the highway materials sectors need to push for higher amounts of funding for a robust surface transportation bill and to do that, Congress needs to enact a sustainable and equitable funding mechanism for the Highway Trust Fund

For Construction Pros

By Jessica Lombardo

February 17, 2021

It's no secret that the lack of sustainable highway funding is the biggest challenge in the road building industry. The Biden administration has made it clear that infrastructure funding is a priority on their agenda, but what that funding looks like for highway contractors remains to be seen. For Democrats, infrastructure funding means finding ways to combat climate change and build resilient structures using green initiatives.
Biden is putting these green initiatives front-and-center in his “Build Back Better” infrastructure proposal that calls not only for building roads and bridges, but also for investments in electric vehicle charging stations, zero-emission buses, transit and zero-carbon electricity generation by 2035.
This expansive look at what our infrastructure means to our nation, puts what money we will receive for our roadways on the backburner as Democrats look to add funding for waterways, broadband and more to an infrastructure package.

View the full article: ForConstructionPros.com
