
Mar 141 min

Why a state grocery tax cut causes concern for Oklahoma's local government leaders

By Lionel Ramos

March 14, 2024

A sign that reads "Shopping in Stillwater paid for this project" stands in the grass next to an active reconstruction project on 7th street, across the road from city hall, Feb. 28, in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

There’s a sign that Stillwater Mayor Will Joyce points to when telling the story of a full-street reconstruction project right across from city hall.
“Shopping in Stillwater paid for this project.”
Joyce, over the sound of the gravel sliding off the back of the truck, said workers are taking the street all the way down to the surface level and completely replacing a section of the road.
This maintenance, he says, comes at a price.
The road improvement a block away from his office is one of more than a dozen other similar projects planned across Stillwater and will cost $1.2 million when it’s completed. So far, in total, the construction is estimated to cost about $34 million.

View the full article: KGOU.com
